
Macro cosmos
Macro cosmos

Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Wild Area and Motostoke (opens in new tab) Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Wedgehurst and Route 2 (opens in new tab) Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Postwick and Route 1 (opens in new tab) There's no battle to be had here though watch the cutscene then make your way back towards Wyndon Gym. When you beat Oleana, you can finally reach Rose. Be prepared for her to Gigantamax her Garbodor too, which comes complete with a boat and a plane stuck in the side of it. For Milotic, anything Grass or Electric will do the job. With Oleana's team, make sure you've got a good Poison-type counter like a Ground or Psychic-type Pokemon, and a Fire-type or two would be handy to see off Tsareena and Froslass. Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Post-game activities Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Zacian and Zamazenta Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Energy Plant and Champion Battle Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Wyndon Gym Finals and Slumbering Weald Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Route 10 and Wyndon Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Hammerlocke Gym Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Spikemuth and Spikemuth Gym Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Route 9 Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Circhester and Circhester Gym Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Route 7 and Route 8 Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Ballonlea and Ballonlea Gym Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Glimwood Tangle Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Stow-on-Side and Stow-on-Side Gym Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Hammerlocke and Route 6 Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Galar Mine No. Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Hulbury and Hulbury Gym Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Turffield, Turffield Gym, and Route 5 Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Route 3, Galar Mine, and Route 4

macro cosmos

Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Wild Area and Motostoke

macro cosmos

Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Wedgehurst and Route 2 Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Postwick and Route 1

macro cosmos

Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough: Wyndon Gym and Rose Tower

Macro cosmos